Category Archives: Places

Santa Teresa Beach sunset Costa Rica

Santa Teresa, a beautiful place

Santa Teresa, unique and beautiful


If you search in Google with the topic “The 10 most beautiful beaches on Central America” you will find in most lists that Santa Teresa is being featured in the first positions.
For the ones who have visited the beach, this is not a surprise, this place is not like a normal beach, there is something mystic around when you are watching the sun hiding in the Pacific Ocean, when you are sitting near the river mouth watching the flow of the freshwater into the sea, and the sound of the waves lulling you while you are sitting on the shade of a palm tree.

Also, the waves are smooth on the shore, nothing that could knock even a kid over so for those who like to bathe on the beach. For the surfers and swimmers, there are more challenging waves while you get farther from the shore. Even there the deep of the water is just like the average adult person’s waist.

Even so, the thing that makes Santa Teresa magical is the fact it makes anyone quite friendly, no matter where you come from, you have this sudden feeling of greeting everyone, smiling at strangers, or saying hi to people you have never seen before. Even the coldest person becomes friendly, guess that warm feeling while watching the sunset can melt the iciest of the hearts.

If you are coming or you are already in Costa Rica, Santa Teresa is a must. Remember to pay a visit as soon as you can.
We share with you some photos, enjoy.